Who We Are

About Us

In the early 90’s, families partnered with the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council to be the driving force that founded and formed Families Helping Families of Louisiana. It all began at a conference sponsored by the Louisiana Development Disabilities Council in 1988 that focused on community support and services for people with disabilities. The conference was attended by many young parents, who wanted to have full inclusion for their children with disabilities, in the communities where they lived and worked. During the wrap up portion of the conference one parent asked that the flip chart full of great ideas to serve a purpose besides covering the walls. The Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council took the challenge and began pilot projects and gathered information to write the legislation that created Act 378 of 1989 known as the Community and Family Support Act.

By the end of 1992, each region of the state was represented by a non-profit Families Helping Families Resource Center. The Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council provided the funding for all of the non-profit centers in Louisiana. Each non-profit center builds its programs based on the needs of its own region, but the common philosophy and dedication is supporting people with disabilities and their family members to live, work and play in our communities.

Staff and Board

Partners and Funding Sources