What We Do

Our Services

It is a hard road to walk. Families Helping Families makes sure you don’t have to walk it on your own. We are dedicated to the individuals with disabilities we serve and their families and have been where you are.

We hope you take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and support – both physical and emotional – that we and our families have to offer.

Below is a list of our services. Please call or email us for any more information. Whether you’ve just received a diagnosis, or you’ve been walking this road for years, Families Helping Families wants to connect with you and connect you to our community.

For more information about Families Helping Families Region 7 services please feel free to contact us at (318) 226-4541 or 1-877-226-4541.

The Bureau of Family Health

Partners with Families Helping Families to provide families of children and youth with special healthcare needs with extra support. FHF works to help children gain independence and integrate into the community through resource linkage services, peer support, education, and training. Their staff includes individuals with disabilities and family members of those with disabilities who are familiar with navigating the systems.

FHF Community Resource Specialists are available to help families connect to resources and services that can help them. They have the knowledge and skills to work families of children with special health care needs. Community Resource Specialists can help you and your child by providing:

  • Tips for accessing services
  • Peer and emotional support
  • Referrals to medical and support services
  • Connections to other parents with children and youth with special health care needs



Provides support to families; provides information to families on their child’s health care challenges and on navigating the health care financing maze. We attend health fairs to reach the public creating awareness of programs and services that are offered in the community. We also provide trainings on services and resources available to families and on how to advocate for better health care services in our state.


Information and Referral

  • We provide information about disabilities and direct you to the resources you need for services or additional information.
  • We also have an extensive lending library with topics ranging from education to health issues. This library is available to you, your child’s educators, and health professionals.
  • We publish our newsletter quarterly which is filled with the most current information, educational information, and inspirational stories.


Offers trainings on a variety of disability topics to educate, encourage, and empower; topics are family-driven, timely, and relevant.

Support Groups

Our parent support group is open to parents who are looking to connect and share with other parents raising a child with a disability. 

Our socialization group Hanging with Friends is for self-advocates 18 years or older looking to socialization and make new friends. For more information on meeting dates and times call 318-226-4541.

Education Support

Education Specialist use resources, workshops, presentations as well as one-on-one support to empower parents to become effective advocates for their children receiving special education services. Our core beliefs is, Inclusive Education is the education of all students in the least restrictive environment and community settings to ensure full and valued membership in society.

  • We believe all students should have the same opportunities to be educated in neighborhood schools as their siblings and friends.
  • With or without disabilities, all students should have the support system to learn together effectively using family, school, and community.
  • We believe all students should have education that meets their individual needs, resulting in meaningful outcomes and prepare them for productive and enriching lives.

For more information about educating children in an inclusive and safe environment, call or email us and we’ll be happy to guide you through the Inclusive Education process!

Educational Resources: 


For more information call (318) 226-4541.

Early Steps

Provides families of children who are receiving EarlySteps services with the information, training, and support they need to be an active participant in the delivery of EarlySteps services to their child. This program also assists them in accessing community resources for their family. Additionally, the EarlySteps program markets to potential and established referral sources, participants, and the community at large.


LaCAN – LA Council’s Advocacy Network

The Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council’s mission is to lead and promote advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. The Louisiana Council’s Advocacy Network, LaCAN, furthers this mission by advocating for policies and systems that support inclusion everywhere people learn, work, live and play. LaCAN advocates for service systems that support children and adults with disabilities to live in their own homes and be fully-included and participating members of their local schools and communities.


Peer to Peer Support

Parents want to speak to other parents that have “been there and done that”. Our trained, knowledgeable staff consists of parents of children with disabilities or individuals with disabilities. They are here to provide you with the support you need.